Thursday, 20 June 2013


Today instead of working on products, Stephanie ran a business class for the ladies.  To begin with, we started with setting goals, both big and small, from buying land to saving money or making a few contacts.  It was tough since none of us knew what we were doing, even though we were supposed to be helping the ladies.  On the other hand, it definitely made us a bit closer, all learning together and learning more about each other.  Oh, apparently I've been spelling Hadijjah's name very wrong (she is the one I used to call Khadijah... so just fyi it's the same person.  Also fun fact her birthday is New Years day).  It was cool learning so much, and we gave the ladies "homework" of things to accomplish to get started for next week.  I think they really appreciated it.

I also spoke with Hadijjah about religion, and she told me she goes to mosque every Friday around lunch time.  I want to see if I can go with her one week.

Speaking of religion, I am heading to stay with a Jewish family this weekend.  I'm excited to see the community, but if I'm being honest, I'm pretty nervous, too.  While this has been something I'm looking forward to, I realized how little I know.  All I know is a guy's name and phone number... I also have no clue how they practice Judaism, if I will find it familiar or not.  Do they keep kosher? Do they use electricity on Shabbat? Do they even live in a place that has electricity at all?  Will I recognize the tunes they use for prayers?  What kind of toilets will they have? Western or squatty potties? How do they dress? (I am bringing pretty modest clothes, no tank tops, since I am not sure)  How big is the community?  Are they driving me back Saturday night or Sunday?

I finally called the guy I'm staying with today, since I wasn't even sure what time or where I should meet him. I'm not great with accents, especially on the phone, so it was a bit tough.  Turns out he doesn't get on the internet so often, which is why he didn't respond to my e-mail (which is what I had figured).
All I got was that I should be at this bank at 1 p.m. and someone (I don't think him) will pick me up and bring me to the synagogue.  It's much earlier than I expected and I didn't understand who will be picking me up... I also still don't have a phone but will be bringing Jessica's, which doesn't even make phone calls, only receives them.  I tried to buy a phone on the street today but they were too expensive and I couldn't find any used ones.... This is going to be quite the experience.  I'm sure once I get there it will be great, and I'm making sure to charge my camera battery.

On another note, we watched a really creepy movie tonight (House at the End of the Street     I think is what it was called) and I'm scared to go to bed... Bad planning.

That's all for now, the next post should be an interesting one.  Shabbat shalom!  I'll let you know how it goes.

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