Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Meeting the Ladies

People around here call us "Sister" which is cute, or "Mzungu" meaning white person.  A lot of them just point or stare and say mzungu mzungu.

They also speak pretty quietly in general, which makes it hard in addition to their accents to understand them.  This one guy who works here kept asking us something and we thought we were playing our music too loudly, but it turned out that "tota" was title, and he was asking us what the song "Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake was called because he wanted to get it.  (We don't know his name so we're working on that)

This morning we started working on one of our products, which we might end up making a fellow project and not giving to the women.  We cut up tons of fabric and started gluing them to styrofoam balls to make ornaments.  The cutting was pretty tedious but it was cool to start working.  I also took the opportunity to start taking pictures that may go onto our website.  Saleh's daughters, who are 3.5 and 5.5 years old came and worked with us too which made it more fun, since for a while they were just watching us curiously.
Rebecca making ornaments with Saleh's daughters

Then this afternoon we finally went to Namatala and met the ladies.  They weren't lying when they told us it'd be a bit dirty.  It's not dirty in a gross way, there's just a lot of dirt, no sidewalks or real roads, so I got covered in a layer of dirt (talk about a nice shower, when I got back it felt great to take off the caked dirt and get clean again, though while I was out I didn't mind being dirty, I just wouldn't want to get in my bed that way).  We took the bodas there since we were running a bit late, but this time all of our skirts were longer so we rode side saddle.  Chanel and I decided to share a boda, which turned out to be a bad idea.  I was practically off the end and held on to her tightly as well as holding the bar at the end, but part of it hit my butt every time we went over a bump.  Next time I'll brave it and take my own (honestly it'd probably be less scary than hanging off the back).

Every time we walked anywhere, little kids would come up and take our hands and walk with us for a ways. It was very cute.  A lot of the houses are mud, though not all.  I didn't use my camera this time because we want people to accept us a bit first, but either later this week or next week I'll start bringing my camera and photographing Namatala.

We're working with the women at a school, where their children go to school.  It's part of Child of Hope, so the idea is that the school brings in one child from each of the poorest families in Namatala to make sure that they receive a good education.  In addition, they give the mother's of the children business classes and other classes and help them start small businesses and keep up with them to make sure they are making money and providing for their families.  This is the organization that we are partnered with.
The school building itself is beautiful, because the people who built it wanted the children to have something to be proud of.  There are also interesting signs there, for example, tell an adult if someone is being mean.  I'll get some photos of those as well.  On the topic of photos, I'm not sure I'll be posting them all here.  Since we need to create photo essays for my fellowship, I may at times just post a link to them on the 1000 Shillings website.

Anyway, so we were all a bit nervous to meet the ladies, especially the ones returning from last year, since they already have a connection with Rebecca.  Meeting them could not have been more amazing though.  We first met the ladies from last year, and the minute we walked into the room they started cheering and yelling and laughing and clapping and hugging all of us.  They are such beautiful women.  Everyone here is very big into handshakes, which is sweet.  Even the kids we saw, those who didn't just hold onto us for a while, came up and shook our hands.  The hugs they give are cute too, first to one side while patting your back and then the other side (this isn't always but a lot of them did this... it's a quick little thing though not drawn out).  Anyway it really broke the ice and they told us all about what they've been working on.  It's so cool hearing how much they've all accomplished since last year.  One woman was three months behind on rent and now she paid off her house and owns it and has a garden and all 7 of her children are now in private schools (it's possible I'm mixing stories but I don't think so).  It's so impressive and these women are so appreciative.
The next group was much quieter, as they have never met any of us before (not even Rebecca), though they of course seemed very sweet.
We're starting to work with the first group tomorrow and the second Thursday so that'll be nice.  First we need to learn how to make the products in order to teach them.  They each will be in charge of one product that will be theirs.

We then went on a tour of Namatala.  There are different sections which is interesting.  It was pretty big and very easy to get lost in.  At one point there were so many kids walking with us and TONS around Jessica (she has the palest skin and we think that intrigues them), and we looked back and she was lagging because she had so many kids hanging onto her and a baby in her arms.  We were so confused and all started laughing.

That's something we noticed, how many kids are carrying babies around (siblings), and that women breast feed anywhere any time.  Most of the women seem to have at least 4 children.  There are tons of kids and baby animals (and animals in general) around Namatala.  One of the new women told us she had 4 children but two died, which was sad, and I'm curious to learn more about her story.  We also noticed that most of the men are just sitting around, while the women are trying to work.  Every day Grace and Susan, two women connected with Child of Hope, go around and check on the mothers they work with, so we were walking with them and met other women who aren't in our program.  They were great.  Apparently they make gin here and some sort of millet thing which was interesting.  One man invited Jack to come drinking with the guys sometime, though I don't think Jack was too keen on it.  We also met the head of one of the areas which was cool, and we saw the stand that one of our ladies owns, which apparently is much better stocked than it was last year.

It was really interesting seeing everything and I hope to walk around again (always with a guide though so as not to get lost).  I'm excited to go back and start getting to know the women and working with them.

Back near where we live Rebecca showed us the store for $1 movies (that also means $1 for a season of a show).  After stocking up we came back and got clean and had a NEW dinner! We had choloko, green peas, which tastes like lentils but VERY delicious lentils.  Later Jani and I were talking to Becca who told us he'll help set it up so we can learn to cook the Ugandan foods we're learning about.  Hopefully by the end we'll be able to cook one meal for all our hosts!

Ah also interesting, they all have both English and Ugandan names.  One woman who works here is named Aisha, and since taking the Islam and Gender class last semester, I understand the reference to Muhammad's youngest wife (and prettiest some say).  I believe someone was also named Khadija, another one of Muhammad's wives names (I believe the first).
It also turns out that they do laundry for us! (That is not an excited but surprised exclamation point) I feel so bad.  It's hard feeling like they're waiting on us all the time, but they wash and change our sheets and we're supposed to leave our clothes out for them to wash.
We're hoping that the women will teach us some of their language, though there are lots of languages spoken around here, especially in Namatala.  I don't think I mentioned but it's full of people who came from up north.  There are also people from different tribes in Namatala, and sometimes you can tell, which will be fun to see.
Sorry about the random thoughts at the end.

Alright well it's been another very full day.  Oh here's a picture from yesterday that Chanel took of me.  Yes, you now have proof that I'm actually here:

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